Black Medic:                                  Black Medic

Black Medic is an annual or bi-annual plant, sometimes long-lived thanks to adventitious buds on the roots.

This species of plant has very small yellow flowers which are grouped in tight bunches and measures from 15 to 60 cm in height, with fine stems often lying flat at the beginning of growth and later erecting.

It thrives in dry, compacted limestone grounds where it suffers less competition from the other plants. Black Medic is an indicator that your soil has problems.

The most effective way to eradicate Black Medic is with a non-selective herbicide; Black medic2however, until the soil is treated, reoccurrence is likely.

Please remember, no matter what species of weed we are dealing with, maintaining a healthy strong turf in Hudson and River Falls through proper turf mowing, fertilization and Black medic3herbicide applications and appropriate watering is the best and most effective means in controlling all weeds.  Grass Master Lawn Care & Grounds Control is the leader in helping you become the MASTER on YOUR grounds!!