Thistle:                                       Thistle

Thistle is a biennial broadleaf plant with a two year life cycle which flowers and seeds in the second year.



Narrow, white, purple, or pink flowers Reproduce by seed and from cut roots. The flowers bloom mostly in the spring and fall but may bloom from June through October.  Seeds are wind dispersed and can be viable for many years.


Thistle prefers sunny open areas and can tolerate a wide range of conditions, from moist to dry soils.

A selective broadleaf herbicide applied in early spring and early summer is the best defense against a thistle outbreak.

Once established, extraction and repetitive non selective herbicide applications with spot Thistle2spray technique is the only effective way to control.

Please remember, no matter what species of weed we are dealing with, maintaining a healthy strong turf in Hudson and River Falls through proper turf mowing, fertilization and herbicide applications and appropriate watering is the best and most effective means in controlling all weeds.  Grass Master Lawn Care & Grounds Control is the leader in helping you become the MASTER on YOUR grounds!!