
Dandelions are a perennial plant which flowers from May to October but most profusely Dandelionin May and June.

The time from flowering to seed ripening is about 9-12 days and can produce up to 400 seeds per head and 12,000 seeds per plant.  Ripened seed is able to germinate at once and yields around 90% germination.  Cut down flower stems do not produce seeds, however reproduction occurs through the plants root system as well.

A Dandelion plant and its seed are terribly resistant and may survive for 10-13 years undisturbed.  Extraction of the plant must be in entirety as any remains will regenerate and even cause multiplying.

Dandelions will grow in practically any soil condition but will flourish in the same conditions that your turf grass flourishes in.  The best way to combat Dandelions is with a strong healthy turf grass and multiple post emergent herbicide applications throughout the season to minimize germination and spreading.

Please remember, no matter what species of weed we are dealing with, maintaining a healthy strong turf in Hudson and River Falls through proper turf mowing, fertilization and herbicide applications and appropriate watering is the best and most effective means in controlling all weeds.  Grass Master Lawn Care & Grounds Control is the leader in helping you become the MASTER on YOUR grounds!!